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Reasons For Blockage Of Wood Pellet Machine

During the use of the wood pellet machine, there will be various failures. Among them, there are many reasons for the machine blockage during use. Everyone knows that a good machine can work better. Find the cause of the failure and fix it. Solving the problem can save a lot of trouble.

Reasons and solutions for blockage of wood pellet machine:

1. Uneven feeding

During the production process, if the feed is too fast, it may damage the abrasives and sawdust particles of the ring die, or block the ring die machine due to sudden overload.

Method: When buying a sawdust granulator, be sure to wear a feeding dragon so that the feeding speed can be adjusted. When starting up, the feeding dragon should be slowly increased from a low speed to an appropriate feeding speed, that is, how much you feed. Do not feed the material quickly when the machine is first started, the feeding must be uniform.

Reasons For Blockage Of Wood Pellet Machine

2. Grinding problems of ring die grinding tools

Due to the production process, there will be oxide layers and rust spots on the surface of the through holes. If it is not handled, it will cause difficulty in discharging or blockage.

Method: Use a new grinding tool to grind the ring die for about 10-20 minutes. Grinding ingredients: fine sand-corn flour-waste engine oil mixed until dyed. Break-in material can be reused.

3. Raw material moisture problem

If the water content of the raw material is too high, it will be difficult to extrude the material when the ring die abrasive tool and the pressure wheel are extruded, especially when the compression ratio is not suitable.

Method: The moisture content of raw materials must be controlled. Generally, it is advisable to control the water content between 15% and 20%. The amount of moisture will affect the use of the sawdust granulator and cause blockage.

The reasons and solutions for the blockage of the wood pellet machine during use have been sorted out for you, and I hope it can help you.
